Friday, September 28, 2012

Mitt Romney: No Tax Cuts For You

Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, in an interview with CBS News Wednesday, said “This is a campaign, not about character assassination, even though that’s what I think has come from the Obama camp by and large,”

Isn’t accusing your opponent of character assassination actually assassinated your opponents character?  It’s ok Mitt we‘re all grownups here we know elections involve character assassinations.  But I think Mr. Romney should know that he is the one assassinating his own character every time he has been dishonest with the American people about his plan to permanently cut taxes (I read his plan on his campaigns website).  Mr. Romney needs to muster up the courage to tell his super packs that he is not going to cut taxes and that they should stop running false ads on his behalf. 

 Mr. Romney told a crowd in Westerville, near Columbus Wednesday he is “going to lower deductions and exemptions,”

A staff member told The Wall Street Journal another scenario would maintain deductions for people who earn $100,000 or less, consequently increasing revenue by allowing fewer taxpayers to get deductions.

“it’s not a tax cut,a campaign staffer told the Journal referring to Mr. Romney’s tax reform proposal.

Mr. Romney told CBS’s “60 Minutes” in a broadcast that aired Sunday that because he plans to limit exemptions and deductions, most people will essentially pay the same taxes as before.

Romney has said lower rates would spur economic growth.  So if most people will pay the same taxes as before…There will be no spurring of the economy.

“But by bringing rates down, we’ll be able to let small businesses keep more of their money, so they can hire more people,” he told the aforementioned crowd in Westerville, near Columbus. “My priority is jobs and I’ll make it happen.”

I wonder what Mr. Romney’s plan is to fill the current 3.7 million unfilled jobs in America and to ensure that Americans are qualified to fill an additional 12 million jobs he plans on creating on top of that? 

I did read Mr. Romney plan released in September of 2011 that suggested filling jobs that Americans lack the skills to obtain with foreign nationals.  Mr. Romney’s plan suggests removing and or raising the limit of H-1B visas allowed in the U.S. annually.  This plan of action will not solve the unemployment rate that American citizens are facing. 

As for the 12 million jobs plan... Mr. Romney's plan is to do absolutely nothing and go down in history as the greatest president ever.  Moody’s Analytics, in an August forecast, predicts 12 million jobs will be created by 2016, no matter who is president. And Macroeconomic Advisors in April also predicted a gain of 12.3 million jobs.  Presidents are often at the mercy — or are the beneficiary — of broad economic trends, and Romney’s pledge appears to be an effort to take advantage of that.

Based on the facts in this article Mr. Romney’s character has not existed for at least a year so it couldn’t have suffered character assassination.


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